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Ebru Şinik Ayurvedic Lifestyle Blog

Breathing Techniques To Lose Weight No:1

Before practicing the Pranayama techniques written by Ebru Şinik in her book Health Breat and Life, you should especially pay attention to the list of contraindications. It is especially recommended that you watch the application video below before practicing.

I continue our series of breathing techniques with Bhastrika. Bhastrika or bellows breath is, speeding up the metabolism, cleanses the body, energizes the digestive system and support losing weight.

Contraindications (Definite Inadvisable Situation)

•    Full stomach, after main meals
•    Pregnancy
•    Menstruation period
•    High blood pressure (>140>90: People who use high blood pressure medicine can practice)
•    Heart problems (if you had any illnesses within the past 6 months)
•    Chest pain
•    Epileptic seizure (If you had it within the past 6 months)
•    High eye pressure (glaucoma)
•    Swollen testicles
•    Ascites
•    Paralysis
•    Panic attack
•    Hernia
•    Right before sleeping


Speeds up the metabolism to support the weight loss period, and discharging of the fat cells.
Enhances digestion, as to increasing the absorption and digestion in the intestines.
Lowers the triglyceride and cholesterol; balances the blood sugar level.
Increases the capacity of the lungs; massages the liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys.
Heals the varicosis, because it increases the muscle tonus by the quality of the muscles and the veins (The stronger the vein tonus, less tired we get during physical activity.)

Heals the fatigue and illnesses related to the lungs, brains, thyroids, throat, and respiratory system.
Cleans up and heals all the toxins in the respiratory system.
Increases the supply of oxygen, and cleans the blood.
Increases the blood circulation in the roots of the hair; in other words, it is good for dandruff.
During the practice, the membrane around the heart and the lungs expands. This way, the negative accumulations around the heart and the lungs will dissolve away, as the heart attack will decrease.
Keeps away the negative thoughts.
Increases the body temperature, and it would warm you up in the cold.
It brings your focus into your body, so you can consciously move your energy within your body.
Stimulates the life energy, and increases the energy flow in the entire body.

How to Practice

It would be much better to learn this technique one on one. Giving feedback at the beginning, and following up would bring a lot effective results. But if you can’t set up a personal class, not able to join my group classes, or don’t have the opportunity to take a lesson from an experienced yoga teacher, you can read the following instructions carefully after watching my video before practicing.
Sit on the floor with your legs crossed, and put something soft under your sacrum to raise it. This way, you can sit comfortably with your spine straight.
Close your eyes and mouth, while your tongue is touching the fire point.
Inhale through your nose strongly until your lungs are full of air. Exhale through your nose strongly again, as you hear a hissing sound.

Breathe like this 10 times.
At the end of the tenth breath, empty all the air in your lungs to activate the Great Lock (Maha Bandhas.) There are three Bandhas, and they are located at anus, stomach, and chin. The locking the three Bandhas will be as follows:

As usual, your mouth should be closed, and the tip of your tongue should be on the fire point.
At the end of the last breath, all air in the abdominal and chest cavity should be emptied. First, the muscles at the anus should be pulled inwards and upwards, and lock at that point.
Then, you should pull your belly button inwards towards your spine, and stay at that lock stomach position.
Finally, drop your chin as to close your windpipe to complete the third lock.
Stay like this as long as you can, without breathing, and never getting out of your comfort zone.
When you start having a need to breathe, unlock all three points, relax and breathe through your nose.
Rest for one moment, or as long as you need, as your eyes closed.
Don’t forget: during the locking techniques, there shouldn’t be any air in your lungs, and you shouldn’t breathe, either. You should only breathe through your nose normally, after unlocking the positions.


When all of the locks implemented at the same time;

It has angioplasty effects on the coronary vessels around the hearts. It clears out the clogging in the coronary vessels.
It regulates the entire endocrine system (secretion of the hormones).
You can also become a better swimmer and a runner with the activation of this locks.

Let’s continue Bhastrika Breathing exercise...

It is important to rest before starting on the second set. After the exercise, during the resting period, the resonance of the capillaries will increase, which will also increase in the discharge to clean the cardiovascular system.

There is not enough scientific evidence for the benefits of the anus lock. But Ayurveda doctors have been prescribing this method for thousands of years, as they have experienced the benefits with their  patients.

After the resting period, practice Bhastrika Breath 10 more times, and at the end of the tenth breath, end your practice by activating the three lock points.
If you decide to practice this breath technique every day, just because you have a slow metabolism; only practice 20 breath per day during the first week.
In other words, during the first week, 10 breaths per day for Three Lock Activation; take a rest; and finish it with another 10 breath and Three Lock Activation.
If you feel ready after the first week, you can increase the count to 40 per day; 20 in the first period, take a rest, and another 20 to finish.
In the third week, you can do 2X30. 
In other words, total of 60 breath


In the fourth week, you can do 2X40. In other words, total of 80 breath

In the fifth week, you can do 2X50. In other words, total of 100 breath

In other words, if you are regularly practicing, you can increase
your practice by 10 breaths per week, up to 100 breath per day, maximum.
The maximum breath per day in this exercise is 100, for as long as you live. You may never go beyond this count.

Besides, if you don’t want to, you don’t have to go up to this count at all. For instance, I practice this breath as I need it, and I only go up to 20 per day, because beyond 20 does not feel comfortable for me. You know your own body the best.

I repeat myself over and over again; there should never be any discomfort in the breath techniques. As soon as you feel that you are going out of your comfort zone, stop, and rest.

Click to watch the video prepared by Ebru Şinik for you.